Activities for Cooperative Learning. Making groupwork and pairwork effective in the ELT classroom

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Ideas in Action: Activities for Cooperative Learning provides English teachers of teens and adults with a wide range of ideas for activities that will get learners interacting and communicating effectively in the English language classroom. Each activity type is accompanied by a ready to go photocopiable example so that you can try them out in your classroom, and learn from the experience. Activities for Cooperative Learning links the theory and practice of cooperative learning to enable you to learn about one of the most researched and effective approaches in mainstream teaching in the comfort of your own classroom. .
ID товара 2773151
Издательство Delta Publishing
Год издания
ISBN 978-3-12-501734-4
Количество страниц 140
Размер 1x21x29.6
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 550


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Ideas in Action: Activities for Cooperative Learning provides English teachers of teens and adults with a wide range of ideas for activities that will get learners interacting and communicating effectively in the English language classroom. Each activity type is accompanied by a ready to go photocopiable example so that you can try them out in your classroom, and learn from the experience. Activities for Cooperative Learning links the theory and practice of cooperative learning to enable you to learn about one of the most researched and effective approaches in mainstream teaching in the comfort of your own classroom. .