Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines (52 карты + инструкция)

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Описание и характеристики

Just as ancient people sought the oracles of the goddesses, today's readers can find inspiration and guidance from the eternal feminine wisdom. Beautifully illustrated cards and narrative text reveal the ancient insights of goddesses through the sacred art of divination. For each card, a descriptive narrative of the goddess' myth or heroine's story is given along with an oracular interpretation. A keyword for each card relates the goddess' message to the human experience. Includes a 52-card deck, and a 64-page booklet.
ID товара 2745252
Издательство U.S. Games Systems
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-57281-958-0, 978-0-02-745252-5
Размер 2.2x8.3x12.7
Вес, г 200


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Очень необычная и красивая колода. Отлично подходит для духовных вопросов и медитаций. Авторы проделали большую работу и включили не только общеизвестных, но и довольно редких богинь. У колоды интересная структура, иногда подчеркиваются интересные не самые очевидные аспекты персонажей.
Just as ancient people sought the oracles of the goddesses, today's readers can find inspiration and guidance from the eternal feminine wisdom. Beautifully illustrated cards and narrative text reveal the ancient insights of goddesses through the sacred art of divination. For each card, a descriptive narrative of the goddess' myth or heroine's story is given along with an oracular interpretation. A keyword for each card relates the goddess' message to the human experience. Includes a 52-card deck, and a 64-page booklet.