Art Through The Eyes of the Soul Oracle

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Описание и характеристики

The deck is comprised of 52 over-sized, gilded cards with stunning original artwork. Meditating on a card image reveals deep insights and profound answers. The illustrated guidebook allows you to delve into the meaning of each card and connect with your higher self.

Cheryl Yambrach Rose is a clairvoyant visionary artist specializing in spiritual portraiture and Neo-Mythic Art
ID товара 2726490
Издательство U.S. Games Systems
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-57281-722-7, 978-0-02-726490-6
Размер 3.5x9.8x16
Вес, г 400


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The deck is comprised of 52 over-sized, gilded cards with stunning original artwork. Meditating on a card image reveals deep insights and profound answers. The illustrated guidebook allows you to delve into the meaning of each card and connect with your higher self.

Cheryl Yambrach Rose is a clairvoyant visionary artist specializing in spiritual portraiture and Neo-Mythic Art