Contemporary Russian Political Protest (на английском языке)

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Описание и характеристики

This book is devoted to the contemporary political protest in Russia, mainly the two waves of this protest in 2011—2012 and 2017—2021, which became the most massive since the 1990s; organizationally framed against the current government, uniting representatives of various ideological and political views in their ranks. This study analyses existing sociological measurements and performs a comparative analysis of the composition of participants by age, gender, education and property, by belonging to large social groups, by political beliefs and preferences, and sympathy for political and protest leaders; sociological measurements of the socio-psychological state of Russians, worrying questions among Russians, reasons for going to protest actions, the problem of assessing the possibility of protests and the desire to participate in them. Special attention is paid to the problems of the reason for the emergence of protests, ideology and protest slogans, and opportunities for predicting the spread of social protest into open forms. The author sets two goals for his research. The first is to give a sociological dimension of contemporary Russian political protest. The second is to give impetus to the development of theoretical developments of social protest at this stage of the development of society.
ID товара 2883849
Издательство Проспект
Год издания
ISBN 978-5-392-35842-7
Количество страниц 112
Размер 1.2x14.6x21.6
Тип обложки Твёрдый переплёт
Вес, г 230


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1 оценка
This book is devoted to the contemporary political protest in Russia, mainly the two waves of this protest in 2011—2012 and 2017—2021, which became the most massive since the 1990s; organizationally framed against the current government, uniting representatives of various ideological and political views in their ranks. This study analyses existing sociological measurements and performs a comparative analysis of the composition of participants by age, gender, education and property, by belonging to large social groups, by political beliefs and preferences, and sympathy for political and protest leaders; sociological measurements of the socio-psychological state of Russians, worrying questions among Russians, reasons for going to protest actions, the problem of assessing the possibility of protests and the desire to participate in them. Special attention is paid to the problems of the reason for the emergence of protests, ideology and protest slogans, and opportunities for predicting the spread of social protest into open forms. The author sets two goals for his research. The first is to give a sociological dimension of contemporary Russian political protest. The second is to give impetus to the development of theoretical developments of social protest at this stage of the development of society.