Dark of the Moon

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Описание и характеристики

"Virgil Flowers, introduced in bestseller Sandfords Prey series, gets a chance to shine...The thrice-divorced, affable member of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), who reports to Prey series hero Lucas Davenport, operates pretty much on his own.."*
Hes been doing the hard stuff for three years, but hes never seen anything like this. In the small rural town of Bluestem, an old man is bound in his basement, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Three weeks before, a doctor and his wife were murdered. Three homicides in Bluestem in just as many weeks is unheard of. Its also no coincidence. And its far from over...
ID товара 2933741
Издательство Putnam
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-593-32863-7
Количество страниц 383
Размер 2.3x14x21
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 330


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"Virgil Flowers, introduced in bestseller Sandfords Prey series, gets a chance to shine...The thrice-divorced, affable member of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), who reports to Prey series hero Lucas Davenport, operates pretty much on his own.."*
Hes been doing the hard stuff for three years, but hes never seen anything like this. In the small rural town of Bluestem, an old man is bound in his basement, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Three weeks before, a doctor and his wife were murdered. Three homicides in Bluestem in just as many weeks is unheard of. Its also no coincidence. And its far from over...