Find Your Light. Inspiration Deck

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Описание и характеристики

Through captivating watercolor imagery and empowering affirmations, Find Your Light prompts you to explore three foundational areas of personal growth. Fairies, Mermaids and Angels gently guide you to reflect on who you are, how you feel, and what you do. Together, they help you transform your inner awareness into action.
Includes 44 cards and 28-page booklet of affirmations.
ID товара 2745267
Издательство U.S. Games Systems
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-57-281946-7, 978-1-57281-946-7
Размер 2.7x10.5x14.3
Вес, г 270


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Through captivating watercolor imagery and empowering affirmations, Find Your Light prompts you to explore three foundational areas of personal growth. Fairies, Mermaids and Angels gently guide you to reflect on who you are, how you feel, and what you do. Together, they help you transform your inner awareness into action.
Includes 44 cards and 28-page booklet of affirmations.