Фоторамка календарь, Каро, "Спящий дракон" , "Белый дракон", 24х20 см, в ассортименте

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Kate Reddy is back! The follow-up to the international bestseller I Don’t Know How She Does It, the novel that defined modern life for women everywhere. This time she’s juggling teenagers, ageing parents and getting back into the workplace, and every page will have you laughing and thinking: It’s not just me.Kate Reddy is counting down the days until she is fifty, but not in a good way. Fifty, in Kate’s mind, equals invisibility. And with hormones that have her in shackles, teenage children who need her there but won’t talk to her and ailing parents who aren’t coping, Kate is in the middle of a sandwich that she isn’t even allowed to eat because of the calories.She’s back at work after a big break at home, because somebody has to bring home the bacon now that her husband Rich has dropped out of the rat race to master the art of mindfulness. But just as Kate is finding a few tricks to get by in her new workplace, her old client and flame Jack reappears – complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it.This is a coming of age story for turning fifty. It’s about so much more than a balancing act; it’s about finding out who you are and what you need to feel alive when you’ve got used to being your own last priority. And every page will leave you feeling that there’s a bit of Kate Reddy in all of us. . .
ID товара 2623557
Издательство КАРО
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-00-815053-2
Размер 3.4x15.2x23.2
Вес, г 629


15 бонусов

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3 оценки
5 5
Книга объёмная, но это компенсируется крупным шрифтом -для аудитории с возрастной дальнозоркостью старались видимо.
Картинок нет, но автор и так в мельчайших подробностях живописует безрадостную жизнь женщины в браке после пресловутого happily ever after.
Печальна участь нелюбимой женщины, она погрязла с рутине; муж игнорирует, дети -одна сплошная проблема, ещё и грудь стремится к полу, а живот не убирается с любимые джинсы.
А ведь так ещё хочется любви и обожания во взгляде и не только от выгуливаемого лабрадора.
остроумное повествование о женщине, которая хочет быть счастлива в любом возрасте
Kate Reddy is back! The follow-up to the international bestseller I Don’t Know How She Does It, the novel that defined modern life for women everywhere. This time she’s juggling teenagers, ageing parents and getting back into the workplace, and every page will have you laughing and thinking: It’s not just me.Kate Reddy is counting down the days until she is fifty, but not in a good way. Fifty, in Kate’s mind, equals invisibility. And with hormones that have her in shackles, teenage children who need her there but won’t talk to her and ailing parents who aren’t coping, Kate is in the middle of a sandwich that she isn’t even allowed to eat because of the calories.She’s back at work after a big break at home, because somebody has to bring home the bacon now that her husband Rich has dropped out of the rat race to master the art of mindfulness. But just as Kate is finding a few tricks to get by in her new workplace, her old client and flame Jack reappears – complicated doesn’t even begin to cover it.This is a coming of age story for turning fifty. It’s about so much more than a balancing act; it’s about finding out who you are and what you need to feel alive when you’ve got used to being your own last priority. And every page will leave you feeling that there’s a bit of Kate Reddy in all of us. . .