Golden Prey

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Описание и характеристики

Thanks to some very influential people whose lives he saved, Lucas is no longer working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, but for the U.S. Marshals Service, and with unusual scope. He gets to pick his own cases, whatever they are, wherever they lead him.And where they've led him this time is into real trouble. A Biloxi, Mississippi, drug-cartel counting house gets robbed, and suitcases full of cash disappear, leaving behind five bodies, including that of a six-year-old girl. Davenport takes the case, which quickly spirals out of control, as cartel assassins, including a torturer known as the "Queen of home-improvement tools" compete with Davenport to find the Dixie Hicks shooters who knocked over the counting house. Things get ugly real fast, and neither the cartel killers nor the holdup men give a damn about whose lives Davenport might have saved; to them, he's just another large target. .
ID товара 2666527
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-101-98884-8
Количество страниц 375
Размер 2.4x10.7x19.1
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 219


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one of the Sandford’s best
Если скучаете по жаркому техасскому солнцу, автобанам , шерифам со звездой на груди, крутым федеральным маршалам и безжалостным моральным уродам в стиле Тарантиновских фильмов- вам сюда! Читается на одном дыхании- хотела растянуть на недельку- не получилось, проглотила за два вечера. Хочется также отметить тонкий юмор и легкий стеб, подтрунивание над некоторыми аспектами работы правоохранительных органов, короче, если хотите отдохнуть и отключиться от проблем, погрузиться на немного в заокеанскую реальность- однозначно рекомендую, не пожалеете!
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Thanks to some very influential people whose lives he saved, Lucas is no longer working for the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, but for the U.S. Marshals Service, and with unusual scope. He gets to pick his own cases, whatever they are, wherever they lead him.And where they've led him this time is into real trouble. A Biloxi, Mississippi, drug-cartel counting house gets robbed, and suitcases full of cash disappear, leaving behind five bodies, including that of a six-year-old girl. Davenport takes the case, which quickly spirals out of control, as cartel assassins, including a torturer known as the "Queen of home-improvement tools" compete with Davenport to find the Dixie Hicks shooters who knocked over the counting house. Things get ugly real fast, and neither the cartel killers nor the holdup men give a damn about whose lives Davenport might have saved; to them, he's just another large target. .