Государство и регионы: Теория и практика государственного регулирования территориального развития

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Описание и характеристики

В своей книге сотрудники Института системного анализа РАН В.Н.Лексин и А.Н.Швецов дают комплексную правовую, экономическую и социальную оценку российской системы государственного регулирования территориального развития и обосновывают пути ее реформирования с учетом новых тенденций в развитии федеративных, социальных и экономических отношений.
Для депутатов федерального, региональных и местных органов представительной власти, работников федеральных, региональных и местных органов исполнительной власти, преподавателей вузов, а также студентов и аспирантов, изучающих право, экономику, управление, финансы, политологию и смежные дисциплины.

This book deals with the contents and mechanisms of the state control of socioeconomic processes under way in subjects of federation and municipalities, of revenue assignment and territorial distribution of federal budget expenditures, of scale and types of selective assistance to individual regions. In their new book, V.N.Leksin and A.N.Shvetsov, Doctors of Economics, researchers with the Institute of Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences, provide a comprehensive legal, economic and social assessment of the current model of public regulation of territorial development, and substantiate ways of its radical revision with regard to the new trends in federative, political and economic relations.
The book was published with a financial support of the Russian Legal Reforms Foundation and the Russian Foundation of Legal Problems of Federalism and Local Government; the authors are advisers to these Foundations.
For deputies of federal, regional and local legislatures, administrators of federal, regional and local executive agencies, Higher Educational Establishment instructors, students and post-graduate students majoring in law, economics, management, finance, political science and adjacent disciplines.
The book will also be valuable to foreign politicians, researchers, businessmen and journalists whose professional interests are associated with Russia. In this book they will find exhaustive information on the situation in Russia's regions, on the mechanisms of regional policy making, on the latest Russian legislation, on regional development programs. An idea of the scope of coverage of Russia's regional policy problems is provided by the extensive contents in English to be found in the end of the book.
ID товара 360582
Издательство Либроком
Год издания
ISBN 978-5-397-05219-1
Количество страниц 368
Размер 0x14.5x21.5
Тип обложки Твёрдый переплёт
Вес, г 460


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В своей книге сотрудники Института системного анализа РАН В.Н.Лексин и А.Н.Швецов дают комплексную правовую, экономическую и социальную оценку российской системы государственного регулирования территориального развития и обосновывают пути ее реформирования с учетом новых тенденций в развитии федеративных, социальных и экономических отношений.
Для депутатов федерального, региональных и местных органов представительной власти, работников федеральных, региональных и местных органов исполнительной власти, преподавателей вузов, а также студентов и аспирантов, изучающих право, экономику, управление, финансы, политологию и смежные дисциплины.

This book deals with the contents and mechanisms of the state control of socioeconomic processes under way in subjects of federation and municipalities, of revenue assignment and territorial distribution of federal budget expenditures, of scale and types of selective assistance to individual regions. In their new book, V.N.Leksin and A.N.Shvetsov, Doctors of Economics, researchers with the Institute of Systems Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences, provide a comprehensive legal, economic and social assessment of the current model of public regulation of territorial development, and substantiate ways of its radical revision with regard to the new trends in federative, political and economic relations.
The book was published with a financial support of the Russian Legal Reforms Foundation and the Russian Foundation of Legal Problems of Federalism and Local Government; the authors are advisers to these Foundations.
For deputies of federal, regional and local legislatures, administrators of federal, regional and local executive agencies, Higher Educational Establishment instructors, students and post-graduate students majoring in law, economics, management, finance, political science and adjacent disciplines.
The book will also be valuable to foreign politicians, researchers, businessmen and journalists whose professional interests are associated with Russia. In this book they will find exhaustive information on the situation in Russia's regions, on the mechanisms of regional policy making, on the latest Russian legislation, on regional development programs. An idea of the scope of coverage of Russia's regional policy problems is provided by the extensive contents in English to be found in the end of the book.