House of Earth and Blood

Описание и характеристики

Perfect for fans of Jessica Jones and True Blood, this is a blockbuster modern fantasy set in a divided world where one woman must uncover the truth to seek her revenge.

Half-Fae, half-human Bryce Quinlan loves her life. Every night is a party and Bryce is going to savour all the pleasures Lunathion - also known as Crescent City - has to offer. But then a brutal murder shakes the very foundations of the city, and brings Bryce's world crashing down.
Two years later, Bryce still haunts the city's most notorious nightclubs - but seeking only oblivion now. Then the murderer attacks again. And when an infamous Fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, is assigned to watch her every footstep, Bryce knows she can't forget any longer.
As Bryce and Hunt fight to unravel the mystery, and their own dark pasts, the threads they tug ripple through the underbelly of the city, across warring continents, and down to the deepest levels of Hel, where things that have been sleeping for millennia are beginning to stir ...
With unforgettable characters and page-turning suspense, this richly inventive new fantasy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas delves into the heartache of loss, the price of freedom - and the power of love.
ID товара 2871423
Издательство Не установлено
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-52-662288-4
Количество страниц 803
Размер 4.7x12.7x19.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 540
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Цена товара – 979 ₽
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если купили в интернет-магазине «Читай-город»

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28 оценок
2 5
В начале было очень неинтересно читать. Лор был довольно сложным, что-то было взято из различных мифологий. Теперь о героях. Главная героиня Брайс не особо интересная. Она пьёт, курит, принимает вещества, занимается сексом в туалетах. Потом всё скрывает от своего партнера по расследованиям. Хант. Он никакой. Вот абсолютно никакой, просто мебель. У остальных героев нет особых характеристик, они все сексуально озабочены
5 5
Город полумесяца
Новый цикл книг от моей любимой Сарачки Джанетты Маас!Это одна из лучших серий серий книг, которые я когда-либо читала. Удивительно и захватывающий мир идеально прописан. Главные герои, сюжет, оформление книги книги и прочее, что связано с Сарачкой Джанеттоц Маас все идеально, кроме Тамлина из Королевство Шипов и роз. Город полумесяца, дом земли и крови, Как по мне одна из лучших книг в мире! Всем советую🌸
Главный герой
Чётко продуманный и прописаный мир
Perfect for fans of Jessica Jones and True Blood, this is a blockbuster modern fantasy set in a divided world where one woman must uncover the truth to seek her revenge.

Half-Fae, half-human Bryce Quinlan loves her life. Every night is a party and Bryce is going to savour all the pleasures Lunathion - also known as Crescent City - has to offer. But then a brutal murder shakes the very foundations of the city, and brings Bryce's world crashing down.
Two years later, Bryce still haunts the city's most notorious nightclubs - but seeking only oblivion now. Then the murderer attacks again. And when an infamous Fallen angel, Hunt Athalar, is assigned to watch her every footstep, Bryce knows she can't forget any longer.
As Bryce and Hunt fight to unravel the mystery, and their own dark pasts, the threads they tug ripple through the underbelly of the city, across warring continents, and down to the deepest levels of Hel, where things that have been sleeping for millennia are beginning to stir ...
With unforgettable characters and page-turning suspense, this richly inventive new fantasy series by #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas delves into the heartache of loss, the price of freedom - and the power of love.