Joyful Inspirations

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Описание и характеристики

Featuring the dreamy artwork of Judy Mastrangelo, Joyful Inspirations cards invite you to join the caravan of flower fairies, dancing unicorns, friendly bunnies and a host of other joyful creatures who delight in spreading sunshine and rainbows. Children and people of all ages, especially those young at heart, will enjoy cricket concerts, carousels, and garden parties in this magical world of the imagination. Choose a card each day from the colorful 45-card deck for a joyful image and affirmation. Explore the 52-page booklet for delightful messages sure to energize and inspire you.
ID товара 2745273
Издательство U.S. Games Systems
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-57-281892-7, 978-1-57281-892-7
Размер 2.2x7.8x13
Вес, г 189


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2 оценки
Featuring the dreamy artwork of Judy Mastrangelo, Joyful Inspirations cards invite you to join the caravan of flower fairies, dancing unicorns, friendly bunnies and a host of other joyful creatures who delight in spreading sunshine and rainbows. Children and people of all ages, especially those young at heart, will enjoy cricket concerts, carousels, and garden parties in this magical world of the imagination. Choose a card each day from the colorful 45-card deck for a joyful image and affirmation. Explore the 52-page booklet for delightful messages sure to energize and inspire you.