Mastering English through Global Debate (+2 изд) (м) (Talalakina)

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Описание и характеристики

Mastering English through Global Debate is designed for students whohave attained Advanced-level profi ciency according to the guidelines establishedby the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Assuch, the textbook's primary objective is to facilitate acquisition of Superiorlevelprofi ciency. This text can be used as a complete course or in conjunctionwith other materials. .Репринтное издание.
ID товара 2594301
Год издания
ISBN 9000025943017, 978-5-7598-1550-1
Размер 1x16.3x23.8
Вес, г 720


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1 оценка
Mastering English through Global Debate is designed for students whohave attained Advanced-level profi ciency according to the guidelines establishedby the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Assuch, the textbook's primary objective is to facilitate acquisition of Superiorlevelprofi ciency. This text can be used as a complete course or in conjunctionwith other materials. .Репринтное издание.