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Описание и характеристики

There was a time when we ‘humanity’ could see and feel the Divine within each other and all around us. We were one with nature and moved in harmony with the seasons and cycles of life. We honoured and accepted the signs and messages sent by Gaia and Great Spirit. This deck is for those who yearn to re-ignite their connection with Gaia, Great Spirit, the natural world and its creatures.

Messenger Oracle strengthens our ancient bond with nature and spirit. These cards are infused with the magic of ancient dragons, elemental fae, mystical trees and their wild animal kin – they are ‘the messengers’ who are here to guide us back to our true nature and power and to help us reconnect with and express our inner-most truth.
ID товара 2787213
Издательство U.S. Games Systems
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-57-281739-5, 978-1-57281-739-5
Размер 3x11.5x14.7
Вес, г 330


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1 оценка
There was a time when we ‘humanity’ could see and feel the Divine within each other and all around us. We were one with nature and moved in harmony with the seasons and cycles of life. We honoured and accepted the signs and messages sent by Gaia and Great Spirit. This deck is for those who yearn to re-ignite their connection with Gaia, Great Spirit, the natural world and its creatures.

Messenger Oracle strengthens our ancient bond with nature and spirit. These cards are infused with the magic of ancient dragons, elemental fae, mystical trees and their wild animal kin – they are ‘the messengers’ who are here to guide us back to our true nature and power and to help us reconnect with and express our inner-most truth.