Motion Of Body Through Space

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Описание и характеристики

All her life Serenata has run, swum and cycled - but now that she's hit 60, all that physical activity has destroyed her knees. And her previously sedentary husband Remington chooses this precise moment to discover exercise.

As he joins the cult of fitness, her once-modest husband burgeons into an unbearable narcissist.When he announces his intention to compete in a legendarily gruelling triathlon, Serenata is sure he's going to end up injured or dead - but the stubbornness of an ageing man in Lycra is not to be underestimated.

The story of an obsession, of a marriage, of a betrayal: THE MOTION OF THE BODY THROUGH SPACE is Lionel Shriver at her hilarious, sharp-eyed, audacious best.
ID товара 2871872
Издательство АКМ
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-00-756081-3
Размер 2.7x12.9x19.7
Вес, г 319


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All her life Serenata has run, swum and cycled - but now that she's hit 60, all that physical activity has destroyed her knees. And her previously sedentary husband Remington chooses this precise moment to discover exercise.

As he joins the cult of fitness, her once-modest husband burgeons into an unbearable narcissist.When he announces his intention to compete in a legendarily gruelling triathlon, Serenata is sure he's going to end up injured or dead - but the stubbornness of an ageing man in Lycra is not to be underestimated.

The story of an obsession, of a marriage, of a betrayal: THE MOTION OF THE BODY THROUGH SPACE is Lionel Shriver at her hilarious, sharp-eyed, audacious best.