Queen of Shadows

Описание и характеристики

Discover Sarah J. Maass #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series - now available for a limited time in a brand-new miniature format! This exclusive edition highlights Manon Blackbeak.
Delightfully compact with lightweight pages for easy travel, this miniature volume of Queen of Shadows is perfect for any book lovers coat pocket or purse. Complete and unabridged, this character edition celebrates Manon Blackbeak by highlighting her name in Crochan Red ink.
Read the fourth book in the epic saga Time Magazine called, "One of the best fantasy series of the past decade."
At last, Celaena Sardothien has returned to the empire - for vengeance, to rescue her once - glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past...
She has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight. She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queens triumphant return.
ID товара 2783259
Издательство Bloomsbury
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-54-760435-7
Количество страниц 648
Размер 1.5x10x14.5
Тип обложки Мягкий заламинированный картон
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《Заставим же вздрогнуть звёзды...》
Весь цикл "Стеклянный трон" цепляет своей атмосферой и загадками. Эта часть не исключение. События начинают закручиваться постепенно, пополняясь загадками. В "Королеве теней" восхитительная атмосфера королевства —жестокость, скользкие игры придворных.
Характеры персонажей раскрываются с другой стороны–где-то с хорошей, а где-то с плохой. Но даже так мы больше начинаем любить и чувствовать героев, сопереживать им еще больше. Любовь, ссоры, ругань, работа для общего блага—все это невероятно цепляет за душу
Одно удовольствие погружаться в государства на континенте Эрилеи...
Discover Sarah J. Maass #1 New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass series - now available for a limited time in a brand-new miniature format! This exclusive edition highlights Manon Blackbeak.
Delightfully compact with lightweight pages for easy travel, this miniature volume of Queen of Shadows is perfect for any book lovers coat pocket or purse. Complete and unabridged, this character edition celebrates Manon Blackbeak by highlighting her name in Crochan Red ink.
Read the fourth book in the epic saga Time Magazine called, "One of the best fantasy series of the past decade."
At last, Celaena Sardothien has returned to the empire - for vengeance, to rescue her once - glorious kingdom, and to confront the shadows of her past...
She has embraced her identity as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen. But before she can reclaim her throne, she must fight. She will fight for her cousin, a warrior prepared to die for her. She will fight for her friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison. And she will fight for her people, enslaved to a brutal king and awaiting their lost queens triumphant return.