Стилистика английского языка: Учебник (на английском языке) // English Stylistics. (In English)

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Описание и характеристики

The book presents a vision of general problems of stylistics and offers a stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Along with a description of phonetic, lexical and lexical-phraseological expressive means, it reviews different syntactical expressive means and problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence. A chapter is dedicated to give a classification of functional styles of the English language. A set of illustrative texts is presented. The book is recommended to students of foreign languages and philology departments.
ID товара 2530835
Издательство Красанд
Год издания
ISBN 978-5-396-00598-3
Количество страниц 336
Размер 1.8x15x22.1
Тип обложки Твёрдый переплёт
Вес, г 460


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The book presents a vision of general problems of stylistics and offers a stylistic classification of the English vocabulary. Along with a description of phonetic, lexical and lexical-phraseological expressive means, it reviews different syntactical expressive means and problems concerning the composition of spans of utterance larger than the sentence. A chapter is dedicated to give a classification of functional styles of the English language. A set of illustrative texts is presented. The book is recommended to students of foreign languages and philology departments.