The Book of Longings

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Описание и характеристики

Ana is born in Galilee at a time when women are seen as possessions, only leaving their fathers homes to marry.

Ana longs to control her destiny. Taught to read despite her mothers misgivings, she wants to be a writer and to find her own voice. A voice that will speak for the silenced women around her.

Betrothed to an elderly widower, Ana almost despairs. But an encounter with a charismatic young carpenter in Nazareth awakens new longings in her, and a different future opens up.

Yet this is not a simple love story. Anas journey will bring both joy and tragedy, but it will also be enriched by the female friendships she makes along the way.

The Book of Longings is an exquisite tale of dreams and desire, and of the power of women to change the world.
ID товара 2872685
Издательство Не установлено
Год издания
ISBN 978-1-47-223251-9, 978-1-4722-3251-9
Количество страниц 418
Размер 2.5x12.7x19.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 300


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Это книга о мужчине и женщине, которые встречаются при странных обстоятельствах и чувствуют, как в их душе разгорается огонь. Неожиданная встреча, случайность или судьба - решать читателю, - переросла в преображающие отношения, в которых каждый из них воплощает в жизнь самые сокровенные желания другого.

Это правдоподобные персонажи, ожившие благодаря мастерству рассказчика, чьи слова спрыгивают со страниц и запечатлеваются в сердце, готовом к таким вещам. SMK, Вы просто необыкновенный человек, и я чувствую себя благословенным, что меня привлекают Ваши слова, которые являются бесценным даром, который так любят и ценят.
Ana is born in Galilee at a time when women are seen as possessions, only leaving their fathers homes to marry.

Ana longs to control her destiny. Taught to read despite her mothers misgivings, she wants to be a writer and to find her own voice. A voice that will speak for the silenced women around her.

Betrothed to an elderly widower, Ana almost despairs. But an encounter with a charismatic young carpenter in Nazareth awakens new longings in her, and a different future opens up.

Yet this is not a simple love story. Anas journey will bring both joy and tragedy, but it will also be enriched by the female friendships she makes along the way.

The Book of Longings is an exquisite tale of dreams and desire, and of the power of women to change the world.