The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time

Описание и характеристики

"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour's dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.
ID товара 2328826
Издательство Vintage Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-09-945025-2
Количество страниц 273
Размер 1.5x11x17.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 159

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Рассказ про собаку и не только.
Если Вы хотите начать читать на английском, но не знаете с чего начать, то смело берите эту книгу. Автор действительно хорошо пишет, владеет словом. Текст очень лёгкий, на уровне intermediate прочтёте без проблем. Роман написан очень современным языком, и поэтому нет старинных и сложных слов. Повествование идет от лица подростка, что еще добавляет простоту при чтении, хотя, повторюсь, автор мастерски передает всё. Жанр произведения возможно не всем понравится.
Красивая обложка. Качество типографии. Формат, чуть больше ладони.
"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour's dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.