The F*ck-it List

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Описание и характеристики

Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, has just been given a terminal diagnosis. Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he's ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his 'fuck-it list'. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal misfortune, not to mention having to live through two terms of a Trump Presidency. Armed with the names of all those who are to blame for the tragedies that have befallen him, it's time for revenge.
ID товара 2847186
Издательство Windmill Books
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-09-959216-7
Количество страниц 242
Размер 1.5x12.7x19.7
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 189


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Триллер, который держит в напряжении
Эта книга - настоящий триллер, который держит в напряжении от начала книги и до самой последней страницы. В книге описываются события из жизни и действия отчаявшегося мужчины, которому пришлось через многое пройти, и которому, по его мнению, уже нечего терять. События, описанные в книге, происходят в недалеком будущем. В книге содержится нецензурная лексика. Книга подойдет читателям, владеющим английским языком на продвинутом уровне.
Frank Brill, a retired small-town newspaper editor, has just been given a terminal diagnosis. Rather than compile a bucket list of all the things he's ever wanted to do in his life, he instead has at the ready his 'fuck-it list'. Because Frank has had to endure more than his fair share of personal misfortune, not to mention having to live through two terms of a Trump Presidency. Armed with the names of all those who are to blame for the tragedies that have befallen him, it's time for revenge.