The Hermitage: The history of buildings and collections: Альбом на английском языке

Описание и характеристики

The Hermitage is a great museum that belongs both to Russia and the whole world. Millions of people come to St Petersburg to visit it, but it still retains the meaning of its name given by Catherine the Great, its founder. Even nowadays the Hermitage continues to be a "place of retreat". In all ages and under all regimes people have used to withdraw here from everyday concerns of the outside world. . .
ID товара 2544060
Издательство Яркий город
Год издания
ISBN 978-5-9778-0051-8
Количество страниц 304
Размер 2.5x18.3x22.2
Тип обложки Твёрдый переплёт
Вес, г 1029
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The Hermitage is a great museum that belongs both to Russia and the whole world. Millions of people come to St Petersburg to visit it, but it still retains the meaning of its name given by Catherine the Great, its founder. Even nowadays the Hermitage continues to be a "place of retreat". In all ages and under all regimes people have used to withdraw here from everyday concerns of the outside world. . .