Winter of the World

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Описание и характеристики

Carla von Ulrich, born of German and English parents, finds her life engulfed by the Nazi tide, until daring to commit a deed of great courage and heartbreak... American brothers Woody and Chuck Dewar, each with a secret, take separate paths to momentous events, one in Washington, the other in the bloody jungles of the Pacific... English student Lloyd Williams discovers in the crucible of the Spanish Civil War that he must fight Communism just as hard as Fascism... Daisy Peshkov, a driven social climber, cares only for popularity and the fast set, until war transforms her life, while her cousin Volodya carves out a position in Soviet intelligence that will affect not only this war but also the war to come.
ID товара 2449927
Издательство Signet classics
Год издания
ISBN 978-0-45-141956-9, 978-0-451-41956-9
Количество страниц 894
Размер 3x10.5x17.2
Тип обложки Мягкий переплёт
Вес, г 370


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Хотя Winter of the World. Follett и не самый лучший роман автора. Маловато действия, маловато описаний. Но надо отдать должное автору- в сюжете все логично, и финал довольно неожиданный Немного не привычно, что тут скорее детектив. Но читается не очень просто, все таки Фоллет- автор серьезный, но я за две недели все таки осилила.
Carla von Ulrich, born of German and English parents, finds her life engulfed by the Nazi tide, until daring to commit a deed of great courage and heartbreak... American brothers Woody and Chuck Dewar, each with a secret, take separate paths to momentous events, one in Washington, the other in the bloody jungles of the Pacific... English student Lloyd Williams discovers in the crucible of the Spanish Civil War that he must fight Communism just as hard as Fascism... Daisy Peshkov, a driven social climber, cares only for popularity and the fast set, until war transforms her life, while her cousin Volodya carves out a position in Soviet intelligence that will affect not only this war but also the war to come.